Monday, November 29, 2010

PVJ My Home Town

Berjibaku menyelesaikan 154 sks di sebuah perguruan tinggi negeri selama hampir 5,5 tahun (iya nggak usah pake nyela, gw tau lama bgt) demi selembar kertas bernama ijasah, membuat Bandung punya tempat khusus di hati gw. Paris Van Java always be my hometown (baca:Bandung selalu jadi kampung gw).

Setiap kali melewati gerbang tol Padalarang Barat,secara otomatis tanpa dikomando otak gw mem-flash back untaian-untaian lirih memori nan indah permai gemah ripah sentosa sakinah mawadah barokah (awalnya mencoba sedikit puitis malah berakhir dengan absurd).

Friday, November 26, 2010

Me and My Allayisme

Seumur hidup,gw cuma pernah beberapa kali pergi ke dokter atau rumah sakit untuk menjalani pengobatan (FYI, ini diluar dokter jiwa.Masalah ke-kurangwaras-an, sampe saat ini masih terapi rawat jalan). Pokoke frekuensi meeting dgn dokter bisa diitunglah pake jari sebelah tangan.

Salah satu dari moment yang cuma seiprit itu adalah saat gw terkena virus mematikan yang mengubah jalan hidup gw sampai selamanya

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You are Beautiful

Jakarta, 17 November 2010

You are so fragile
Like wings of butterfly collapse in a squeeze
Like a glaze of snow melt through the sun
Like crystal breaks into pieces

But it's ok
Life is not meant to be unbreakable

Friday, November 12, 2010

12 November 2010, 2 Days to go...

I'm not your Prince of Dream, but I'm here.... I'm Real.
What i feel and what i've told you is true...more than you could ever know.

My 2nd Confession

Knowing what you have gone through, makes me understand your fear about this..about us.

wishing everything will be back as the way It is,everything's fine.
I have the same fear also.

My Confession

If you're looking for a guy who's covered with holliness, speaks about black and white, then i'm not the one.
If you're looking for a guy who spends 5 days at Church and always do services on Sunday, then for sure i'm not the one.
if you're looking for a guy who able to remember a lot of verses and put them in words he speaks, then i believe i'm not the one.

I'm a person who

Rp. 100.000 Untuk Rumah Kasih

Before you read: This is not a hoax,so please read untill finish.ini asli dr pengalaman pribadi-andy lesmana.

Hari itu berbeda, bukan hari Sabtu biasa yang saya jalani. Bukan hari Sabtu yang dihabiskan dengan nongkrong di Mall, atau memanjakan diri dengan setumpuk DVD sambil bermalas-malasan di atas spring bed, melainkan hari Sabtu yang diawali dengan 1,5 jam perjalanan di pagi hari dan diakhiri dengan kenangan manis yang lekat dalam ingatan. Ada senyum nakal

The Wall

At my cubicle's wall, I hung a bookmark I received from a close friend says "when everything's failed,SMILE!"

Sometimes in life we'll face a huge wall in front of our journey. We've tried to climb it, push it, tried everything we could ever think of, and it just stand still there. This wall could be problems we're facing, un-answered prayers we've whispered,challenges, troubles, you name it.

We've tried the ordinary,the spiritual, and also the extra ordinary way to get rid of it,but it just doesn't move. We bow our head down and start thinking "Well,yeah s**t happens."

My First Blog

Well, ini postingan perdana di Blog ini.... sepertinya hal pertama yang bakal dilakukan adalah me-repost kumpulan notes yang selama ini ada di account FB (, add me if you haven't been one of my friend) :)
setelah itu selesai, barulah mulai membuat postingan baru :)