Sunday, January 24, 2010

Joan of Arc Inside of Me

Jakarta, 24 January 2010

I thought I had a vision, thought I heard the Voice I thought it’s only a matter of time, now it seems like time does never even exist .
Maybe my time is not yet His time, maybe my time never be His time… I don’t know.
Maybe my vision is not yet to come, maybe it will never come… I can’t tell.
I worked like a horse to make it come true, Push my self to the limit. Did the best I could do. Expect nothing but the paramount.
Now I found I’m just a

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Little Story to Tell

Jakarta, 19 January 2010

Belajar sesuatu yang lumayan menggelitik pagi ini. Ternyata ada alasan kenapa Tuhan membenci ketakutan dan kekhawatiran berlebihan.
Terkadang saat mata baru melek full with belek ato sebelum bobo cantik,otak kita dipenuhi dengan to do list, next project, what if; dipenuhi dengan rasa takut dan khawatir. Melakukan hal ini sama sekali tidak menolong malah bikin tambah sengsara,tapi tetap kita lakukan-can't help not to do it; manusia memang aneh.
Takut dan khawatir adalah hal yang sangat manusiawi. Dalam porsi yang sehat takut dan khawatir membuat kita siap dan waspada,karena kalo nggak ada takutnya,mungkin