Not because of fame I came to the world.
Not because of acknowledgment I trade eternity with mortal.
Not because of glorious I choose a manger than throne.
Not because of adoration I leave heaven for earth.
I did it all because of you.
I did it all because I truly love you.
I did it all because I deeply in love with you.
Thought and life Stories of an ordinary man in an ordinary world who just tries to walk the path in extra ordinary way of thinking and living. There're smiles, tears, angers, joys...well, it's my life.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tribute to Mamak-ku
Nyokap gw nggak lahir di planet Krypton ataupun ikut perguruan debus, tapi dia kebal peluru. Dia kebal peluru penghinaan, cibiran sinis, bahkan kebal rasa kesendirian. Nyokap nggak cuma kebal, bahkan dia terbang melewati semua peluru-peluru beterbangan itu (bayangkan Trinity di film Matrix) dan berhasil dengan suksesnya nge-gedein ketiga anaknya yang ajaib bin aneh ini. Iya beneran sukses, buktinya ketiga anaknya sekarang udah lebih gedean dikit, padahal dulu cuma segede gedebong pisang (???)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Battle Againts Amalekties

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
a Love Letter from My Father
Anak-Ku yang sangat Kukasihi,
Aku sangat merindukan untuk bisa bertatap muka denganmu di rumahKu. Aku rindu untuk duduk berdua dengan kamu menikmati hari sambil mendengarkan kisah hidupmu.
Aku rindu mengatakannya secara langsung kepadamu betapa Aku mengasihimu. Aku ingin mendekapmu erat dalam gengaman tanganKu dan membisikkan kepadamu,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Walking Through Desert
"Aslan, why wouldn't you show yourself? Why couldn't you come roaring in and save us like last time" (The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Don't you know
Don't you know your smile can brighten up my gloomy day like summer. I have to prepare my short pants and sun block, it's sunny day!
Don't you know those sparkling eyes can melt my heart easily like fire burns the grass. Don't get surprised by the fire truck behind you, I didn't call them.
Don't you know the touch of your hand is like a symphony to my soul. Keep me dancing like a child inside, but please get rid off the tutu, I prefer a hose.
Don't you know those little baby pinch
Don't you know those sparkling eyes can melt my heart easily like fire burns the grass. Don't get surprised by the fire truck behind you, I didn't call them.
Don't you know the touch of your hand is like a symphony to my soul. Keep me dancing like a child inside, but please get rid off the tutu, I prefer a hose.
Don't you know those little baby pinch
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Kursus Singkat dengan Evan Almighty
Sekitar beberapa minggu yang lalu,gw kembali menonton "Evan Almighty". Jarang-jarang gw dengan sengaja nonton sebuah film sampai dua kali, but for this movie it's an exception. This is one recommended movie in my list. Di dalam film ini,nggak cuma ada cerita, humor, tapi juga pembelajaran tentang hidup. Movie with great morale insight is my version of a good movie.
Di kali kedua gw menonton film ini, gw mwnjadi lebih jeli. Gw nggak cuma get the story, tapi juga pay carefull attention on the details. Gw mendapatkan beberapa dialog ato quotes yang "nonjok" banget yang mau gw share. Kalimat-kalimat yang ngebuat gw berpikir. Rangkaian kata-kata yang mampu membuat gw mem-pause dvd,mengambil catatan dan menuliskannya. And here they are.
The Namibian Lady is not Guilty!
Akhirnya setelah ketinggalan premier film "Babies" plus tiket gratisan dari kantor, dua hari yang lalu gw berhasil menuntaskan rasa penasaran gw dengan nonton film dokumenter tentang mahluk menggemaskan ini bersama seorang teman dekat. Good documentary movie. Sekalipun tanpa dialog, tapi tidak terasa membosankan (mungkin karena dimanjakan dengan wajah-wajah innocent) dan jelas jalan ceritanya. Selama kurang lebih 1,5 jam, suasana bioskop lebih mirip dengan ruang keluarga di rumah. Ada diskusi kecil di bangku penonton, seruan-seruan gemas terpeson dengan keimutan tingkah pola 4 bayi dari 4 negara. Sepanjang film, bisokop penuh dengan:
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sampah yang Bersyukur
William Rathje adalah seorang ahli sampah lulusan universitas Harvard. When I wrote "ahli" here,it does mean literally. William mengenal sampah seperti dokter bedah jantung mengenal katup trikuspidalis, memahami sampah seperti arsitek mengenal struktur bangunan, menguasai sampah seperti musisi mengenal harmonisasi nada, mempelajari sampah seperti orang Farisi mengenal taurat. Sampah adalah wilayah kekuasaannya. Sampah adalah hidupnya. Sampah adalah gairahnya. Gw membayangkan kalau William Rathje sejenis rotweiller, pasti buntutnya akan bergoyang-goyang hebat setiap kali melihat bak sampah.
And you know something,ternyata ada persamaan antara William Rathje dengan Yesus. Ada kemiripan antara sang ahli sampah dengan sang Pencipta Dunia. Apa persamaannya?
And you know something,ternyata ada persamaan antara William Rathje dengan Yesus. Ada kemiripan antara sang ahli sampah dengan sang Pencipta Dunia. Apa persamaannya?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Gw: tuhan, malaikat, dajal
Hari ini cukup menguras pikiran dan emosi. Beberapa jam yang lalu gw baru saja dengan resmi merumahkan tiga orang karyawan gudang karena
Monday, November 29, 2010
PVJ My Home Town
Berjibaku menyelesaikan 154 sks di sebuah perguruan tinggi negeri selama hampir 5,5 tahun (iya nggak usah pake nyela, gw tau lama bgt) demi selembar kertas bernama ijasah, membuat Bandung punya tempat khusus di hati gw. Paris Van Java always be my hometown (baca:Bandung selalu jadi kampung gw).
Setiap kali melewati gerbang tol Padalarang Barat,secara otomatis tanpa dikomando otak gw mem-flash back untaian-untaian lirih memori nan indah permai gemah ripah sentosa sakinah mawadah barokah (awalnya mencoba sedikit puitis malah berakhir dengan absurd).
Setiap kali melewati gerbang tol Padalarang Barat,secara otomatis tanpa dikomando otak gw mem-flash back untaian-untaian lirih memori nan indah permai gemah ripah sentosa sakinah mawadah barokah (awalnya mencoba sedikit puitis malah berakhir dengan absurd).
Friday, November 26, 2010
Me and My Allayisme
Seumur hidup,gw cuma pernah beberapa kali pergi ke dokter atau rumah sakit untuk menjalani pengobatan (FYI, ini diluar dokter jiwa.Masalah ke-kurangwaras-an, sampe saat ini masih terapi rawat jalan). Pokoke frekuensi meeting dgn dokter bisa diitunglah pake jari sebelah tangan.
Salah satu dari moment yang cuma seiprit itu adalah saat gw terkena virus mematikan yang mengubah jalan hidup gw sampai selamanya
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
You are Beautiful
Jakarta, 17 November 2010
You are so fragile
Like wings of butterfly collapse in a squeeze
Like a glaze of snow melt through the sun
Like crystal breaks into pieces
But it's ok
Life is not meant to be unbreakable
You are so fragile
Like wings of butterfly collapse in a squeeze
Like a glaze of snow melt through the sun
Like crystal breaks into pieces
But it's ok
Life is not meant to be unbreakable
Friday, November 12, 2010
12 November 2010, 2 Days to go...
I'm not your Prince of Dream, but I'm here.... I'm Real.
What i feel and what i've told you is true...more than you could ever know.
What i feel and what i've told you is true...more than you could ever know.
My 2nd Confession
Knowing what you have gone through, makes me understand your fear about this..about us.
wishing everything will be back as the way It is,everything's fine.
I have the same fear also.
My Confession
If you're looking for a guy who's covered with holliness, speaks about black and white, then i'm not the one.
If you're looking for a guy who spends 5 days at Church and always do services on Sunday, then for sure i'm not the one.
if you're looking for a guy who able to remember a lot of verses and put them in words he speaks, then i believe i'm not the one.
I'm a person who
Rp. 100.000 Untuk Rumah Kasih
Before you read: This is not a hoax,so please read untill finish.ini asli dr pengalaman pribadi-andy lesmana.
Hari itu berbeda, bukan hari Sabtu biasa yang saya jalani. Bukan hari Sabtu yang dihabiskan dengan nongkrong di Mall, atau memanjakan diri dengan setumpuk DVD sambil bermalas-malasan di atas spring bed, melainkan hari Sabtu yang diawali dengan 1,5 jam perjalanan di pagi hari dan diakhiri dengan kenangan manis yang lekat dalam ingatan. Ada senyum nakal
The Wall
At my cubicle's wall, I hung a bookmark I received from a close friend says "when everything's failed,SMILE!"
Sometimes in life we'll face a huge wall in front of our journey. We've tried to climb it, push it, tried everything we could ever think of, and it just stand still there. This wall could be problems we're facing, un-answered prayers we've whispered,challenges, troubles, you name it.
We've tried the ordinary,the spiritual, and also the extra ordinary way to get rid of it,but it just doesn't move. We bow our head down and start thinking "Well,yeah s**t happens."
My First Blog
Well, ini postingan perdana di Blog ini.... sepertinya hal pertama yang bakal dilakukan adalah me-repost kumpulan notes yang selama ini ada di account FB (, add me if you haven't been one of my friend) :)
setelah itu selesai, barulah mulai membuat postingan baru :)
setelah itu selesai, barulah mulai membuat postingan baru :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sang Petinju Bodoh
Jakarta, 15 Oktober 2010
Tampaknya memang bukan pertarungan yang seimbang. Petinju yang satu tinggi besar, pemenang kelas berat, sedangkan lawannya adalah petinju kelas bulu yang hanya pernah sesekali memenangkan pertandingann,itupun pertandingan kelas kampung dan hanya menang tipis.
Si kelas berat berdiri dengan kokohnya seperti gunung tinggi,sementara si kelas bulu berdiri dengan susah payah, wajah babak belur, kaki gemetar,dan nafas tersengal,padahal pertandingan baru berjalan 3 dari 12 ronde.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Conversation with God
Jakarta, 4 October 2010
God,could You just tell me what I should do on this?I'm blind. I have no idea what to do. What I believe and the reality doesn't fit. Just play easy on me would You?,and show me the way...
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
I ain't a saint, God. I'm only a regular man, Sometimes I have difficulties to identify the voices in my head, which one is Yours and which is mine.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
2 Kemungkinan
Jakarta, 29 September 2010
Pada saat kita bersungut-sungut dan mengeluh,hanya ada dua kemungkinan. Satu,dunia begitu jahatnya kepada kita,sehingga tak pernah sekalipun dalam hidup kita memperoleh sesuatu yang baik. Atau dua,kita menderita katarak stadium empat.
Sekarang coba pikirkan baik-baik kisah hidup kita. Pikirkan dengan cermat hal baik dan indah apa yang pernah kita lihat, alami, atau rasakan semenjak kita dilahirkan sampai hari ini. Saya percaya minimal kita akan menemukan satu. Kalau begitu kemungkinan pertama,bahwa dunia sangat kejam, gugur.
Artinya kita masuk ke dalam kemungkinan kedua,menderita katarak stadium empat.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Your Biggest Fans
Jakarta, 20 September 2010
I was there when you shattered those tears.
I was the one who wiped it off your eyes.
For a simple reason,your eyes just to beautiful for it. Your face just don't fit it.
I was standing beside the ring when you fought those battles of your life.
Encourage you to make it through.
Pushed you when you were about to give up.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Again...At Least
Jakarta, 22 July 2010-2:15 am
Again you're there in front of me,
In my dream.
And I can still feel the trembling inside
It is happiness for I can still at least see you Though you don't even smiling, not like the perfect picture of you I keep in my head.
But at least I can see you
At least there I can still speak to you
Longer than "whatever..."
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Stained Glass Masquerade Healer
Jakarta, 11 July 2010
Healer (by Michael Guglielmucci)
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You
I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me Jesus You're all I need
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands
Around two weeks ago, my significant other told me about a song she loves so much, titled “Healer” , that was created and sung by Pastor Michael Guglielmucci who was in battle with terminal cancer for 2 years, but still did a praise and worship concert in Hillsong Conference Summer 2008. The song became an anthem of faith for believers for healing, hope, and miracles. If you hear the story and see him singing with an oxygen tube in his nose, I believe you’ll be moved by the sincerity and emotions in the concert. With the story behind the song, 2nd place in ARIA chart, and 300.000 hits on YouTube, Healer became a world wide hit.
With the purpose to give a small surprise, I downloaded the clip on YouTube. While downloading, aimlessly I moved my cursor to see the related video list and found out a shocking fact.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Jakarta, 13 Febuary 2010
Slowly i found my self fading as you're flying away further each day.
Feeling impersonate more and more as days change.
From someone to no one from existence to extinction.i'm vanishing to the bone,becoming a shadow.
This should set my spirit free,but why am i tormented?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Jakarta, 12 February 2010
This couple months,almost a year for exact, this ultimate magnificient word named HOPE plays a big part in my diary called life.
We use this word for many times in our days. "HOPE you're fine sunshine", "keep HOPE-ing Bro", "Miracle does happen Sist (HOPE in another way of speaking)",and many more. We treat HOPE like a remedy,
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Joan of Arc Inside of Me
Jakarta, 24 January 2010
I thought I had a vision, thought I heard the Voice I thought it’s only a matter of time, now it seems like time does never even exist .
Maybe my time is not yet His time, maybe my time never be His time… I don’t know.
Maybe my vision is not yet to come, maybe it will never come… I can’t tell.
I worked like a horse to make it come true, Push my self to the limit. Did the best I could do. Expect nothing but the paramount.
I worked like a horse to make it come true, Push my self to the limit. Did the best I could do. Expect nothing but the paramount.
Now I found I’m just a
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Little Story to Tell
Jakarta, 19 January 2010
Belajar sesuatu yang lumayan menggelitik pagi ini. Ternyata ada alasan kenapa Tuhan membenci ketakutan dan kekhawatiran berlebihan.
Terkadang saat mata baru melek full with belek ato sebelum bobo cantik,otak kita dipenuhi dengan to do list, next project, what if; dipenuhi dengan rasa takut dan khawatir. Melakukan hal ini sama sekali tidak menolong malah bikin tambah sengsara,tapi tetap kita lakukan-can't help not to do it; manusia memang aneh.
Takut dan khawatir adalah hal yang sangat manusiawi. Dalam porsi yang sehat takut dan khawatir membuat kita siap dan waspada,karena kalo nggak ada takutnya,mungkin
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